We were able to have a crazy early gender reveal ultrasound. I was only about 14 weeks and with a 99.9% certainty we're adding another little DOE to our family! Baby girl number 3 was being stubborn during the ultrasound. She was face down the whole time so we couldn't get a good side profile. It was fun to see her moving and wiggling all over. My parents were able to join us along with the girls. When the tech turned on the sound for the heart beat Avery shouted, "TOO LOUD!"It made us all laugh. Addison is convinced that we're going to name her Elsa. I don't want to be the one to break the bad news to her:) When we got home we had a poster printed and took a poll of what everyone thought we were going to have. Dave set it up in the back yard and got his bow out. I took a video of him shooting the arrow right into the doe. It was a fun gender reveal and it looks as if I'm supporting hunting season after all! I've started to buy some new headbands and get things in order for the transition of moving Avery out of the nursery. I've been feeling better on most days which is a miracle. I am just past 17 weeks and starting to show more and more. I am still squeezing into my regular pants which is a plus! I feel very blessed and grateful to be adding another beautiful daughter to our growing family. Dave is just prepping himself for all the emotions that comes from having to take care of four ladies!
7 months ago
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