My life seems to be getting ahead of me more and more every day. I can't seem to keep caught up with my mind! Becoming a mother of two has thrown a curve ball at me and staying organized. I am going to just sum up the past few weeks and be done! Dave is almost finished with school! December 6th is his last day of clinical. He will take the boards in February and then ship off to basic training March 5th- April 5th. Then the Air Force will move us to our next adventure. We got a list of four places and ranked them. Dayton, Vegas, Virginia and Northern California were our choices. That is the order that we ranked them in and it is killing me not knowing! I want Dayton so bad it hurts. I know we will go where we are needed, but it doesn't hurt to want to be by family a little does it?! We had a weekend of nice weather so we went to the park one last time and ate lunch and went for a stroll by the creek. Addison loves being outside. This winter is going to be tough. My parents stopped through on their way back from Boston. We went out to Mexican to continue my birthday celebration one more time:) Addison was happy to have a roommate for a few more nights. She talked Papa into reading her lots of books and playing blocks. Grammie was my hero and stayed up with Avery one night so I could try and get over my cold. Almost 2 weeks later and I can finally breathe through my nose. Addison is almost over her cough as well. Avery has a little cough here and there, but cross your fingers that we can stay well this winter! Addison has gotten creative lately and done a lot of coloring on herself. No matter how many times I tell her not to she colors her hands with markers! Good thing it's washable. Addison's hair is long enough now to put in a pony tail and she loves it! She looks so grown up with one it makes me want to cry. I did it again...I put tiger's balm on my face and got a burn. I have been told many times not to, but when I have a terrible headache it is the only thing that will help! One day i'll learn:)
7 months ago