Dave is getting ready to be a full out Air Force man! He has been breaking in his boots and uniforms. I get a little teary eyed when I see him wearing it. He is currently growing out a beard until he passes his boards. Lets just say this Friday can't come soon enough! I know he'll do great and we'll be celebrating this weekend. I took Addison to Skyzone which is an indoor trampoline park and let her get her wiggles out. She mostly wanted to sit and eat a snack, but I convinced her that jumping was better. She kept trying to climb the wall and was doing a pretty good job at it! We've been getting an incredible amount of snow this winter. It has been so cold and snowy that I haven't wanted to take the girls out much. Poor Dave had to shovel the church this week and it snowed almost every single day! I got released today from being the primary secretary. When they called to tell me that they would be releasing me I got off the phone and started to really cry. I didn't think it was going to happen to fast and I still feel like we are going to be here a little bit longer. I organized all my things and finished up a few odd and ends and gave it all over to the new secretary. I have never felt like this before when getting released from a calling. I usually have felt ready and almost relieved to move onto another capacity. It was difficult for me to just hand over all my hard work and be done with it. I can't even express how many hours I've spent organizing spreadsheets full of classes, emails, birthdays, addresses, phone numbers...Even though it was a secretary calling I want my family to know when they read this that my testimony for this gospel has grown immensely throughout my time serving. I have developed a greater respect for the tithes and offerings that go into supporting programs like the primary and the activities involved. I feel a love for presidents who put so much time and energy praying and counseling for those that they are over. I have learned so much about how a ward supports each other and how presidencies work together to reach a common goal. I have a testimony that Jesus Christ cares so deeply for the one lost sheep as much as he does the other active 99. My heart is full of love for the primary program and the inspiration that is put into carrying it out throughout the year. I will look back at this time in my life and think that is the calling that I learned to "grow" up in. I dealt with uncomfortable situations and at times when I felt pulled in every direction with no spiritual fulfillment and the end of the day. I often felt like I just dealt with the numbers and the busy work all the time. I knew I needed to change my outlook or I was going to continue to be miserable. I then tried to look for ways to serve the members of the presidency and to make things easier on some of the teachers. I have learned that I love to serve. I feel blessed to have been given this opportunity and I really do feel that the Lord has his hand in all things.
7 months ago