Saturday, November 21, 2009

What A Weekend...

The weekend started out great! I got home and found that these beauties that arrived...

My first pair of big girl RED high heels!

As if the night couldn't get any better I went and saw NEW MOON!! Even though I was forced* to run into the theater like herds of cattle it was totally worth it!

Andrea accompanied me to the movie and spared Dave:)
* OK maybe I was the one that chose to run!

Saturday morning I headed down to Brigham City with the In Laws to help Grandma & Grandpa clean and move. I cleaned till my fingers pruned AND scored this awesome mirror I want to refinish...

We rushed back to celebrate Chris's big birthday at the yummy Jonny Carino's.
While at dinner someone broke into the house and found their way into my room. And this is what I found...

As a future teacher I will now accept the line...
"My DOG ate my homework!"

YES, Chubs the NAUGHTY NAUGHTY dog opened the door from the garage and made his way into my room. He ripped open a garage bag and ate my lesson plans for Monday! Along with my lesson plans he ate an entire box of unopened cookies I got from a little student. How RUDE!!!

What A Weekend!

Oh and somewhere in between all of this goodness I missed Dave:)