Friday, March 1, 2013

Past Few Weeks

I can't seem to keep up right now so I am not going to even attempt to go back and document everything! We have had a pretty quiet month and have been blessed to have a few visitors as well. Aunt Jenny came for a week at the beginning of February and Grammie moved in towards the end. She is still here and we are loving having her around. Addison is on cloud nine and hasn't even noticed that her binky has gone "missing" until nap/bedtime:) 

Addison's major news is that she is finally getting another bottom tooth! This poor child has has rabbit teeth forever! Hopefully it comes in soon followed by the rest. Our good friends the Wheeler's moved this month which we are pretty sad about. We are happy for them to move onto bigger and better things though! Addison lives for birthday parties! Her friend Kalei had a party this past weekend and she practiced the birthday song over and over! She has also been toy testing a gold fish potty for the past few weeks and we are making some progress. We have had a few celebrations that ended in her reward of gummy bears which she pronounces, "gumbi bears!" She has enjoyed helping Grammie in the kitchen and has even learned to put away the silver ware! I am pretty impressed. Her crazy curls can now be tamed into piggy tails. It makes her look so old and it makes me want to cry! She is growing up. It has been snowing a ton so we haven't really gone anywhere, but have enjoyed staying in and playing with toys!

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