I've had a stroke of really bad luck lately and the list is still continuing! I was pulling weeds a few weeks ago and the next day I completely broke out in a rash ALL over my body. We think we have poison sumac growing in a few of our bushes on the side of our yard. Dave got it at the beginning of the summer and I got a few patches on my arms. This time around I got it all over including my face. I had about 10 band aids on at a time and almost used a whole bottle of calamine lotion. I had to go drag myself in to the doctors and get a steroid. Almost three weeks later and it's finally all gone! After the poison something episode my wallet got stolen. I was extremely sad about this. I had to cancel and order all my cards plus get a new license and military ID. My license ended after about a 5 hour wait with both girls and a whole lot of waiting in line. I had to get the state of New York to fax my driving status and it took forever! My military ID took two trips and I had to wait just over 3 hours with of course the girls. The real icing on the cake was yesterday when I drum roll....BROKE MY FOOT! I was carrying far too many things down the garage stairs and missed the bottom two steps. I was carrying Avery and threw her over my chest and saved her head over my foot. I screamed probably the loudest I ever have. Dave thankfully wasn't working and was able to come home from the store he was at. We dropped the girls off at friends houses and went up to the hospital. a couple hours later and the verdict was in that it was broken. They put me in a soft splint until I meet with the orthopedist tomorrow. I feel completely helpless and the thought of being in a cast for 8 weeks makes me want to cry. However, it's through all these accidents and problems that I'm realizing how blessed I am. Within 24 hours of my accident people have shown an incredible amount of kindness. My mom came running up to help get the girls up in the morning and stay until Dave got home. She went grocery shopping for me and helped me to the bathroom all day. Ladies that I haven't known for more than 2 months brought over homemade cookies and dinner. Two other friends showed up without their kids to clean my house! Then one of them stayed to let my mom go grocery shopping alone while I slept away in a drug induced sleep. She made my kids lunch and played with them for a couple hours. The sister missionaries even stopped by to see how I was feeling. I have friends offering to bring meals and others willing to watch my kids. It's difficult for me to accept help at times and I try to handle things alone most of the time. This has been a humbling experience to say the least. The RS activity I just put on last month was about Serving Our Sisters. I guess I needed this lesson more than anyone else. These next couple of months are going to be challenging, but I am blessed to be surrounded by loving and thoughtful people. The gospel unites women in times of need and it's a beautiful opportunity to be on the receiving end this time.
7 months ago
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