We have the name Addison June picked out. June was my grandma's name and I absolutely adored her so Addison being born in June is perfect.
The overwhelming reality has set in of preparing for this bundle now that we know it is a girl. Girl clothes and things are just so much fun! I can hardly stand it all and Dave can hardly pay for it:) Our guest bedroom is starting to pile up with lots of frilly girlie things. Aunt Katie,Aunt Eliza and Grandma Fajen are already spoiling her! Even little cousin Ella wrote her a love note:)
I have a few things that I want to make before she gets here. For Christmas I got a gift certificate to take a sewing class. Dave helped me carry in my machine and once we walked in he leaned over and asked me if I still wanted to stay. Everyone had really fancy machines and probably had a good 40 years on me. I stayed and all I can say is that Addison will be forced to love this blanket even if it is crooked and ugly. I came home and Dave was kind enough to unpick my 4 hours of sewing so I can start over fresh. The class is every Tuesday and I do plan on going back and finishing my project, just with better material and more patience.
Not being able to set up a nursery, because we will be moving about 7 weeks later, is a big bummer. Another lesson in patience, right. We are loving our doctor's appointments. Addison is not shy and is already showing her personality (which is slightly worrying me). She likes to suck on her hands and have her toes right by her mouth and over her head. She would not sit still during the ultrasound and it was amazing to see how much she can move! She has been referred to as a big baby every time so I am hoping it is just an optical illusion on the machine:). The most important thing is that she is healthy and looks pretty happy.
On a really happy note I am really starting to feel her move all the time. Mostly after I eat my mint milanos or cold stones lemon sorbet. The cravings have begun much to my dismay. To help balance the cravings I joined the YMCA and have started to swim 3 days a week. I have always loved swimming and I am really enjoying myself. I need to get a bigger bathing suit so that every time I get out of the water the life guard doesn't have to stare!
18 Weeks
A new haircut and 20 weeks. And no that is not a basketball shoved under there as many of my preschools ask me daily.